Evil Force(parents saga)

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It was a dark Friday night.Serena was walking home from work at the vet clinic.She didnt feel right like somone or somthing was watching her.It was winter and it was snowing and so cold you cold see your breath when you breathe.
Serena:Its cold,its dark,and my gut is telling me i should be very creeped  out right now.
Serena hurd somone calling her in the head.Her eyes turned a glowing red.Her usual gental face became mean,mad and betrayed.
Serena:I wil get you for draging me into that fight and sending me to the shadow realm!PHAROH!
Her wings became black and the fethers could turn sharp and deadly.
She flu into an alley and onthe roof of a building.She increased her power so it was off the scale.
Then she watched Yami,Yugi and Yami Bakura walking down the alley way.
Serenas voice began to echo.
Yami looked up and saw Serena but in her eyes there were haterd,fear and anger.
She jumped down and stuck her landing right in front of the trio.
Yami:Serenas gone nuts!
Serena:You draged me into that acursed game and got me killed!
She jumped up and landed a energy blast on Yugi.
Yugi got thrown agents the wall of the alley.
Yami:I have no other option.
Yami:Mind Crush!
Serena:Not again!
Serena:The past will not repit itself!
Serena took out her Di-tector.
Di_Tector:It is time.
Serena grew a circle made of rigs around her hand.She swiped it through the top slot of the Di-tector.
Serena:Beast Evelution.
She got a grid with the front of the armor on it and anthor with the back part on it.They closed in and transformed her body into Zeferamon.
Zeferamon echoy:Zeferamon!
Zeferamon:Piro Fists!
She got balls of maltent flames 2 times largwer than her hand all or the way around her hands.She flew at them and attacked.When she got past them she put the balls together and looked back.
She hadnt hit her mark.
Yami took out his ditector did the same as Serena and transformed into Burning Greymon.
B.Greymon:Flaming Sunami!
There was a huge wave of fire infront of him that washed over Zeferamon and burned her tan skin.
Barkura did the same as Serena and Yami.He transformed into CoriCacumon.
CoriCacumon echoy:Coricacumon!
Yugi did the same as Bakura and transformed into Kendo Garurumon.
CoriCacumon:Ice Blizzard!.
Kendo Garurumonz:Lightning Twin Swords!
B.Greymon:Flame Bullet Birage
Is Zeferamon gona get hit?All these answers and more in the next chapter"The Battel".